So, yeah, I kinda wanted to make a post about mental wellbeing... or mental self-care? You know what, I'm not really sure what the right word to use really is. Also, I'm probably the last person on this planet people should be taking "mental wellbeing" advice from considering I lit
You can watch my latest comedy sketch bellow, I would love you forever! Head over to YouTube to watch more of my videos & please hit the subscribe button. I think I've gone a little crazy trying to promote blog posts and YouTube videos. Like, I refresh my YouTube page every
Are you a dreamer? Well, here are some tips to hopefully help you achieve your dreams, by Rosa Fairfield. Photographs by Linda Smith I've always been a very creative-career orientated person and it's what I tend to prioritise, which is what lead
With Pride month happening, why not try out a rainbow eye make-up look? By Rosa Fairfield. Photos also by Rosa Fairfield (having fun with self-portraits) If you follow me on Instagram ( @ohduckydarling ) you will know that I've been having a little bit of fun, experimen