This is just one girl and her rant about a phrase she super duper hates, words by Rosa Fairfield, photos by Linda Smith I really hate the phrase 'toxic people'... or 'toxic person'... or whatever variation you want to use. I also hate how quickly and easily it's thrown around t
Are you really living if you're constantly waiting for tomorrow, next-week, a holiday etc etc, words by Rosa Fairfield, photos by Linda Smith When I was about 16 or 17, I fell underneath a train. My legs were trapped and I couldn't get out. Luckily, a guy came and pulled me out before t
Please watch and subscribe: Hi, I'm Rosa Fairfield and this is a comedy video I've created involving a spoiled girl (played by me, Rosa Fairfield) who wants her Step Daddy Billy to buy her lots of toys from a toy shop. I hope you enjoy
If you're feeling overworked and blue, here are some of my tips to taking a perfect day off, words by Rosa Fairfield, photos by Linda Smith. This morning, I was just casually reminiscing about my time living in North Carolina a few years back... and how, well, I just felt so relaxed. I wa