You don't need to be super picky when it comes to clothing. Here are a few tips that will allow you to style a creative look from any item, by Rosa Fairfield.
Photography by Linda Smith, art by Rosa Fairfield.

I was waking around and reflecting the other day. This has become a habit of mine. The thing is, when it comes to clothing, some people are picky. They know exactly what items they would wear and which ones they wouldn't wear in a million years. I'm nothing like that. I pretty much like anything I see. Sure, there are some things I'm drawn to more than others, like this cute sweatshirt... but I've never really hated an item of clothing. For me, it's much more about the styling, how you put certain pieces together. I'm a big believer in the fact that you can make an outfit out of absolutely anything. Here are some of my tips for making that work:
Be inventive
You don't just have to wear the piece as you see it. I layered this sweatshirt and I knotted it at the back so it would work better with my figure. You can do really simple things. For example, you could wear a pair of fishnets, over pink tights or you could knot a maxi dress at the front. You could even go bigger, like wrapping a shirt around another top in an interesting way. The key is trying to create something ascetically pleasing. I don't mean making something that looks attractive, rather coming up with something creative in an artistic way.
See it as a challenge
Sometimes I just throw clothing on, other times I like to experiment. I actually think it's a pretty good brain workout. Pick out 5 random items from your closet and try to find the most interesting way possible to wear them. It actually turns getting dressed into a pretty fun game, if you have the time.
You can change some pieces
I have a denim skirt. When I first purchased it, I thought it was a bit too long. I ended up cutting off a couple of inches from the bottom and fraying the hem. If you're creative you can try customising different bits and pieces. If something doesn't fit you a 100% correctly you can try to alter it.
Come up with multiple ways of wearing things
I think it's nice to wear the same pieces over and over again but it can get a bit boring when you wear them in exactly the same way. This is a bit of a challenge again but if you have some spare time... I think it's fun to take a piece of clothing and try to figure out how my different ways you can style it.
Thanks for reading. I really love this selfie top and the sneakers from RoseGal. The sneakers are super comfortable and they are really lightweight. I like to feel connected to the ground when I walk so I'm not all that into bulky shoes but these fit to the shape of my foot nicely. I felt like it was my duty to have this sweatshirt as a blogger.
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