Find out how to style one of this seasons colours, mustard, by Rosa Fairfield
Photographs by Linda Smith

Mustard yellow is on trend this Autumn. Different shades of yellow seem to have taken over the shops these last few years but for Autumn the colour to pick is mustard. Here are some of my favourite ways to wear the trend.
Mustard & red
McDonalds can't possibly be wrong... red and yellow is a great pairing. Think mustard and ketchup... they just belong together. Here I'm wearing a red skirt with a mustard jacket and I really like the combination. I think it works well to wear a neutral top to spilt up the colours and to make it work.
I love mustard plaid prints, they are my favourite. I brought a mustard coloured flannel shirt and few years ago and love it so so much! Just think Cher from Clueless, who is a total fashion icon. When it works, it just works. Also, I'm loving all the plaid mustard pants I'm seeing.Mustard is a great colour for a faux fur coat... because it is colourful but it's also a neutral colour so doesn't look too unnatural. Therefore, it's great if you want a fur coat that is a bit different from your basic one but at the same time isn't too out there.
If you don't want to wear full mustard, just pick a mustard coloured accessory. I had a handbag that was mustard coloured for a while. That was back in the days when I just had one bag.
I think it's very easy to be scared of wearing a certain colour or piece because you think you won't be able to pull it off. At the end of the day, I always think it's about confidence. Having the confidence to wear something a bit more out-there but also having the confidence to know it doesn't matter if someone else doesn't like what you're wearing. I think it's much better to put yourself out there and to take lots of risks than to just blend into the background because you're worried about other people's judgements.
Mustard & dark blue
These are another two colours that just look so great together. I love wearing my mustard yellow plaid shirt underneath my midnight blue slip dress. When I first wore that look, I got lots of nice compliments... and it's because the colours work so well together.
I think it's important to learn about colour harmonies and the colour wheel when it comes to personal style. Complementary/contrasting colours are my favourites and dark blue and mustard are opposite each other on the colour wheel. Another great thing to try is split complementary colours where you have a main colour and two adjacent ones on the colour wheel, like orange, green and pink - which is one of my favourite combinations.
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