Looking for picnic inspiration? Look no further, here is my ultimate guide: decorations, food and activities.
Words by Rosa Fairfield, photographs by Linda and David Smith

Picnic food & drink ideas
Victoria sponge - I always have some kind of cake or sweet treat at a picnic, which I usually bake myself. Alternatives include: cookies, brownies and cupcakes. If you don't trust your baking skills
M & S do an amazing range of party cakes or if you are in the USA then Carolina Cookie Company make the best cookies I've tasted.
Fruit n' cream - I love eating summer fruits at picnics. I normally go for the classic: Strawberries. I also love redcurrents, raspberries and tayberries. To make it more exciting, put them in a cocktail glass with a helping of squirty cream.
Scones - A British summer classic. I like the plain kind served with strawberry jam and butter. I also enjoy making my own scones, which adds a nice personal touch.
Fancy lemonade - Not only tasty but they come in the cutest bottles so make great decorations too. I really like rose flavoured lemonade.
Focaccia - This is my favourite kind of bread. It works well for a picnic because you can eat it as it is because I find fillings don't fare well in the heat.
Picnic activity ideas
Twister - This is a great fun activity for a picnic, you can get a group of people involved and it makes for lots of laughter.
Truth or Dare - Go back to your high school days. I find this is a fun way to pass the time and you get to learn a lot about the people you are having the picnic with.
Tightrope - I was having a picnic in the park with friends, a couple of weeks ago, and I saw someone had tied a tightrope to two trees and was walking across it. It looked so much fun that I just wanted to walk over there and join in.
Guitar - I went to an arts university so whenever summer came along, everyone would get out their guitars and start having outdoor jam sessions. I suppose this only works if you can play the guitar.
Picnic decoration ideas
The basket - A picnic doesn't really work unless you have a twee picnic basket. They are both useful for transporting the food and look super pretty too.
Pillows - I love pillows, they make the blanket look a little less sparse and make sitting down a more comfortable experience. Also, they are great to rest your head on if you want to lie down and sunbathe.
Lights and candles - If you have having an evening picnic or a date, I think battery powered fairy lights and candles are a great choice, they add a pretty and romantic vibe.
Do you have any ideas to add? I would love to hear your thoughts bellow.