"Quaint, floral with a hint of lace, see my latest Springtime outfit with a discussion about my plans for the future - by Rosa Fairfield"

Finding my direction
After being out of university for a year, I made a pretty bad decision. I had dreams of becoming an oscar-winning actress and having my own fashion label. Somewhere along the line, I lost faith in myself and thought that I needed to find a more realistic career in order to ever make money.
That was a mistake. When I stop and think about it, I know that I'll never be happy with the whole London based office-type job, standard marriage, two kids and white picket fence thingy. I have to go out there and chase down my dreams, travel the world and have crazy adventures.
I'd like to be a good role model for the people in my life and my imaginary future children and I can't do that unless I'm true to myself.
* Outfit from Sammydress, out of stock - similar bellow