Outfit from Zaful
NO. 13
"I'm not a people pleaser and you shouldn't be one either, here is the reason why."
Photographs by Linda & David Smith

Outfit from Zaful
"If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased" - Katharine Hepburn
After this year, I am so done with trying to be a people pleaser. I used to think: "my boyfriend wants me to wear jeans, I have to wear jeans" Or, "someone thought I was twelve years old when I wore that dress, I shouldn't wear it again." Or, "my teacher said I have strange mannerisms, I should completely change the way I act in public."
Eh, I seriously can't believe I used to think like that, it makes me want to puke. If you think like that you will become inhibited and depressed. If people don't like you for who you are, or respect your life choices, then you are better off without those people in your life.
Rant over with, moving on. I'm really loving this shirt from Zaful. It has a slit up each side, which makes it easy to just tuck one side in (which allows you to show-off this wonderful embroidery) or to tie around your waist.