It’s easy to get by in life without some basic skills and know-how, but you never know when you might need to change a tire or learn how to use a grill. Taking time to learn different skills can make you feel more capable and confident, meaning you won’t have to pretend to be an adult any longer!
Tick some life skills off your list with these five things every adult should learn to do.

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1. Change a tire
Even if you live in a city, there’ll come a time when you need to drive. And if you’re driving and your tire blows, you need to know how to change it! Learning how to change a tire can make sure you’re not left stranded on the side of the road somewhere, and can be on your way again in no time.
2. Cook some nutritious meals for yourself
While you might think that you’re able to get by on takeout and Pop-Tarts, sooner or later you’re going to have to learn to cook! There are plenty of simple, tasty dishes you can learn to make, including eggs, soup and pasta dishes - which can at least help you enjoy some healthier food now and then. Take a look at some easy recipe ideas for beginners to get you started on your culinary journey.
3. Make a good coffee
While it’s great to be able to visit Starbucks for your favorite flat white or latte, you’re going to need to learn to make your own coffee! Whether you want to impress guests, or faced with another lockdown situation, it helps to be able to brew a good coffee. Learn more with Life With Coffee about all things coffee to help you become a connoisseur. Your own coffee machine will be one of the best investments you make for your home!
4. Carry out some DIY
Waiting for a handyman to come to put up some pictures, fix a shelf or other DIY task can take time, and it will cost you money. Many common DIY tasks are things you can do yourself, you just need to invest in a few tools and spend some time learning what you have to do. Ask someone who’s experienced to guide you through it, or take a look at YouTube tutorials to help you get the job done. Start off small, and soon you’ll be a DIY pro.
5. Budget
Finally (and this is an important one), you need to learn how to budget. A budget will help you balance your bills, savings and spending money to make sure you can afford what you need while working out how much you have to spend on the things you want. You can learn lessons on how to have a great night in to save money, as well as becoming better at curbing your impulse spending.
There are plenty of other things you should learn to do as an adult, but if you start with some of the above, you’ll be on your way to getting your certificate in adulting.