The sun has got his hat on and he's coming out to play, but, will you have your summer hat on? Now the days are warmer, it's the perfect time to give your closet a sort out and transition your style into the summer season. Follow our step-by-step, Oh! Ducky, guide and you'll be good to go, by Rosa Fairfield.
Photographs by David Smith

Separate clothing by season
It helps to think about clothing in regards to season. If you have some boxes at the bottom of your closet or even a shelf, you can create a separate winter/autumn and a spring/summer closet. Simply store the clothing you aren't using, at the moment.
You can sort out what works with what season by looking at colours and bulkiness. Of course, there's some items, like jeans, that can be worn all year round.
It also adds more variation to your style. You might find yourself wearing the same thing a lot, either because you like it or because it becomes routine. Limiting what you wear by season can help you break out of this pattern because there's no point in having a full wardrobe of clothing but only wearing one or two things in it.

Look for new pieces
You can get online and look to see if there's anything new that takes your fancy. You don't have to go OTT and do a massive haul, I find it's normally best to buy a couple of trend items and replace any wardrobe staples that have gone a bit tatty. Doing a quick search of the latest SS20 trends will help with this, but the key thing to remember is: buy something if you really like it and not just because it's in.
Look for the pieces you don't need anymore
When doing a closet update, you should be mindful of the space you have. You can create room by taking out things that you haven't worn in a while. Remember your sustainability, though, you can sell your old clothing online, donate, or you can use the fabric and turn it into something else.

Get the sunglasses out
Summer is sunglasses season, after all, and sunglasses are something that you can really have fun with. You can try out different creative styles. They really come in all: shapes, colours and coloured lenses. Find a pair you love, and you have an instant trademark look.
Think about lighter coats
You're going to want to think about filing away those coats now the days have got warmer. Summer doesn't always mean constant boiling temperatures, though, so you might want one or two lighter jackets to get you through. Denim jackets can be perfect for this, as they're a classic timeless wardrobe staple.

In winter, your outfits can easily get lost when you cover them up with a big coat. Summer, on the other hand, is the perfect opportunity to show off your personal style. But, keeping things the same year after year can start to feel a little boring. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new.