Our face is our calling card for the version of ourselves that we present to the world, so you want to make sure it's in tip top form. But, don't panic, Ducky Darling, with our simple step-by-step guide, you'll soon have bright and clear skin, by Rosa Fairfield.

The basic products you need
A standard skincare routine normally consists of cleansing, toning and moisturising. My skincare routine looks slightly different: cleanse (if I've been wearing make-up), scrub, toner, moisturiser, under eye cream and spot treatment. You have to play around with it to find what works best for you, different people respond better to different products. If you're a complete novice, you'll probably end up trying out a bunch of different products to find the ones that you click with.
The problems you have
This can really change over time. I never had a problem with acne when I was younger, but over the past couple of years, it's become a problem for me. Identifying your skincare problems can help you target your routine specially for you. So, approach your mirror with an open mind and give your face an honest assessment. But, don't worry, as soon as you find the right products to combat your problems, you'll start to see the difference. Plus, it's important to remember that most of us have bad skin from time to time. If nothing you do helps, then it might be time to reach out to your doctor or dermatologist because it could be due to a health problem.
The time it's gonna take
You want your daily skincare routine to fit in with your life. If you know that you have limited time to work on it, then keep things to a bare minimum. It's all about finding a balance, skipping your skincare routine completely won't do you any favours. On the other hand, if you know you have extra time on your hands, of the morning or night, you might want to go full out and have a proper pampering session. It's can be great for a mental health, as well as your skin.
Adding in extras
Not all products are meant to be used daily, this is where the extras can come in. This really works well if you have a busy life. You can keep things to the bare minimum, then once or twice a week, have a treat day. Face masks are the perfect product for this. They come in so many different varieties, for all sorts of problems, that you can really have fun with them and experiment. Add some relaxing music in the background and you've created your own mini spa day.
Making it into a routine
The important thing with a daily skincare routine is that you keep it up. It's great to get into the habit of practicing self-care. If you're having a day where you're struggling, don't allow yourself to skip it. It can be tempting, but engaging in it can help lift your mood. It's both a good distraction and we tend to feel better when we're happy with the way we look. After all, sometimes the best way to do something is just, well, to do it.