With Black Friday fast approaching and the prospect of fighting with someone's great aunt over that super cute sweater, here are some tips so you really can make the most out of the Black Friday *coughs* mayhem... deals, by Rosa Fairfield
Photographs by Linda Smith

Look for pre-sales
A lot of online stores and some in-real-life stores now hold pre Black Friday offers. It can be tempting to wait until the actual day to do your shopping so you get the best possible deal... but if there's pre-sale offers then that special something you have your eye on could sell out before you get your hands on it. That's especially likely for fast fashion stores where they have a fast turn around on stock.
Sign up to newsletters and do your research
A lot of stores announce or give hints to what exactly their Black Friday offers will be, either through newsletters or blogs (hey, like this one)... and because you're reading my blog I'm going to tell you Romwe is holding its annual Black Friday sale! Doing your research before hand will give you a good idea of what stores you should focus on. You can also look at what offers your favourite shops have had on previous years to get an idea of what the deals will be this time around.
Early Bird Catches The Worm
If you're doing in person shopping, you deffo need to go full out and stand in your favourite mall as soon as it opens. It's just part of the tradition. It also lets your avoid the crowds and if you're looking for something in particular, you want to make sure it hasn't already completely sold out.
Know what your looking for
It's so easy to lose your head in any kind of sale and end up with a bunch of stuff you really didn't need just because it was on sale. Try making a list of things you definitely know you are looking for so the magpie effect doesn't happen to you. Of course, if something magical catches your eye, you have my permission to go for it... as long as it actually is magical and not just something you'll look back on a few days later and go, 'what on earth was I thinking'.
Go a little obscure
If you're one of those people that actually likes to leave your house *shivers* and you're doing in person shopping, this one is for you. Instead of hitting the very main shopping areas, try going to an out-of-town mall or just a shopping area that doesn't attract a lot of people. Sometimes in these places you can actually find some great deals and avoid the crowds at the same time. It's like when there's a dress you really like and you ask the store assistant to store check and they only have it in stock in some branch in the middle of nowhere.
You can use the code RM1973 to get 10% off when you spend over $45 [Valid 15th Nov - 8th December]