Indeed, the last trimester of the year is one of the most stressful for families. The kids are still trying to adjust to the new school year, while the parents are dreaming of their long-gone summer vacations at work. We all know the feeling. You just want another break, but unfortunately, you’ve got no vacation planned for another few months. No problem! You only need a weekend to recharge your batteries. Here’s how to make the most of your short road trip:

Plan a weekend trip
Where should your weekend getaway trip take you? You don’t need to go far to relax. In fact, you shouldn’t cover long distances over the weekend; you’re going to be exhausted otherwise. Instead, stick to your local area and enjoy your weekend road trip in the car. Ideally, you’d want to choose a healthy mixture of urban and rural landscapes, as you don’t want to be struggling to find the conveniences you need. Remember that it is a weekend of relaxation. While it might be a road trip, it doesn’t mean you should spend all your time on the road. On the contrary, aim to spend no more than a third of your day driving. You need to go far enough away from the house to make it exciting!
What to pack?
As surprising as it might sound, a lot of people struggle to pack their road trip bag. Most are unsure of what to bring. Ideally, you want to have a first aid bag – it should be in your vehicle at all times. When it comes to clothes, you need to focus on cozy and comfortable outfits that let you move freely. Semi activewear such as Penguin clothing, for instance, is an excellent choice as they don’t hinder any activity throughout the day, whether you need to sit tight in a car or walk through the woods. Make sure to add a pair of waterproof shoes – Fall is a rainy season – and a windbreaker jacket to keep you warm. You should always pack a couple of extras as you never know what could happen. Remember that mud puddles are very frequent in this season!
Pack some healthy snacks
There can be no decent road trip without a snack. Part of the excitement of being on the road is stopping and enjoying a sweet or savory treat – every kid would agree with that statement! However, if you’re planning a drive into a rural area, you can’t rely on conveniences stores by the road. Additionally, if you’re trying to keep your family healthy, you might want to avoid fast-food chains that might be high in fat and sugar. IN other words, if you know you’re going to drive away from town, you might need to pack a few snacks to avoid unhealthy options on the road. A few hard-boiled eggs can act as a little pick-me-up on the journey, especially if you combine them with string cheese and a handful of grapes.
Stop and explore
Road trips are made for exploring. You don’t need to prepare a complex program of things to see and to do during the weekend. But, you should make sure you regularly stop into natural spots for a stroll. Whether you’ve opted for a woodland area or a beach weekend, park the car and take the time to fill your lungs with fresh air. Walking in nature helps you to relax. According to research, the presence of nature actively changes your brain and even improves your mental health. If you’ve been feeling a little low since the summer holiday ended, a walk in nature is exactly what the doctor prescribes!
Routines play a significant role in our everyday life. They provide reassuring guidance. However, they are also a mental prison from which we can’t escape. When every week is the same, you don’t feel like the weekend offers any peace. Instead, a short road trip can provide you with the disruption you need to relax and unwind after a long week.