Be Prepared For Altitude Sickness
If you’ve never had altitude sickness, it doesn’t mean you’re exempt in Colorado. Many people experience things like headaches, unquenchable thirst, fatigue and very rarely, nausea as soon as they get past Denver. You should feel better by the second day, but there are a few things you can do to help yourself before then. Take it easy in terms of heavy lifting and exercise, and ensure you stay as hydrated as possible.
You’re Going To Smell Pot A Lot
If you’re visiting Colorado during the summer time, you’re going to smell pot. A lot. People smoke it in public, even though it’s illegal to do so - this is especially true if you find yourself by a river, or hiking. You can buy it if you’re over 21, but you’re not allowed to smoke it out in public on the street, in bars, in cars, or anywhere like that. Abide by the rules and you’ll avoid getting into trouble, whatever anyone else is doing.

You Must Take Nature In Colorado
Seriously Colorado is a beautiful place, and one of the reasons it stays that way is because people there take it very seriously. If there’s a sign that says no swimming, you must stick to it. Do not litter, ever. Oh, and if you see a sign telling you to stick to a hike trail, stick to it. If you don’t and you get caught, you could end up in a lot of trouble. They won’t think twice about sharing your face on social media and shaming you. You can still enjoy nature in Colorado without doing anything prohibited. Looking at lodging in Fort Morgan, Colorado will ensure you’re staying somewhere lovely amongst all the beauty.
You Need To Pack For Unpredictable Weather
Colorado is extremely temperamental when it comes to weather - no joke. It can be very cold one day, snowing the next, and then shorts weather the next! Pack for all eventualities to ensure you have the best time.
Know The Dress Code
You might feel like you have to dress up if you’re going to impress, but people in Colorado dress casually for the most part. It isn’t like LA or New York!
Always Look Up Skier Etiquette
Many people visit Colorado to ski. If you’re planning on skiing here, make sure you’re well aware of skier etiquette. You don’t want to end up causing trouble on the slopes. It could be worth having a lesson or two beforehand to make sure you’re steady.
Visiting Colorado will be an unforgettable experience if you pay attention to everything we have mentioned here. Have a great trip!