If you're looking for interesting places to take photographs, then this mini-guide to Lake Garda is for you, words by Rosa Fairfield and photos by Linda Smith.
So, I went to Lake Garda, well if we're getting specific I went to Limone Sul Garda. It's not the first time I've been to the lake. I went there when I was at school, on a performing arts trip. It's such a beautiful place and a little bit different to the stereotypical package holiday... because it's a beach not a lake, so... Anyway, it's a very beautiful place but you will definitely need a de-haze filter on your photo editing app if you're going there.


Monte Baldo
You can either walk up this mountain range or you can ride in the cable car from Malcesine. I took the cable car. To be honest with you, it was over a hour wait in a very long queue. My mom spent the whole time screaming, 'Arh, it's too hot in here' and other various things. Then, when we did get in the cable car, it was jam packed and there was nowhere to hold onto.
I deffo think it was worth it though. At the top, there is a great panaramic viewpoint around the side of the cafe. You can also walk around the top of the mountain. There's this place, where you can walk right to the edge and climb up a pile of rocks, looking down onto a sheer drop. It was a great view, if not a little danergous. I felt a slight fear of heights emerge, that I didn't even know I had before this.
The main way to get around the lake is by boat. They're fairly regular and don't cost too much either. You can hire a boat too, if you know what you're doing. There're also these cute little peddle boats you can go on at Riva sul Garda.

Riva Sul Garda
Yep, I've already talked about the peddle boats. Watching my mom try to get on and off one had to be the highlight go the holiday. If you want to go shopping, I'd recommend here. It had more boutique-y arty style shops than Limone or Malcesine - where most of the places seemed to be very touristy. There were also lots of pretty colored houses for taking photos of or by.

Instruments in the park
Parco Villa Boghi has this cute little display with all these different musical instruments covered in tinsel and fairy lights. It was a great place to stop and take a few photographs. There's also a globe there that lights up at night. I'm not sure if the instruments are always there or if it was a temporary installation but it's a nice cute little park. There's also drinking fountains and benches there so it's a great place to relax.

Sunsets and Night Views
The lake lights up at night (well, not the actual lake, but the buildings around it). I walked down to the beach at Limone Sul Garda at night and there was this beautiful twinkling reflection over the lake, like in the photograph. It's a really magical sight to see.
So, that's the guide, I hope it was useful.