If you're feeling overworked and blue, here are some of my tips to taking a perfect day off, words by Rosa Fairfield, photos by Linda Smith.
This morning, I was just casually reminiscing about my time living in North Carolina a few years back... and how, well, I just felt so relaxed. I was working at a theater in the day... doing some acting and costume making sometimes too. Then the rest of the time I was exploring... or doing silly little things like wandering around Walmart or Harris Teeter. This year has felt like I'm constantly working on something every second of the day, whether in practice or just inside my head. I love that and I love everything I'm working on but sometimes it's great... and healthy to just have a day off. Anyhoo, so I made this guide to getting the most out of a relaxing day off.


Go outside
If you're self-employed and work from home you often don't even end up stepping outside your own front door a lot. It actually does help improve your mood if you make the leap into the outside world. That can mean going on an adventure or it can mean something simple like just heading out to the mall. Do something you enjoy, I love going to the cinema when I want to relax or taking walks through a nice forest-y area. I think it's good to pick a place that's not too crowd but it's not a 100% deserted either.
Create the right atmosphere
Okay, I've been really getting into hygge lately. If you're going to spend some time indoors; watching a film or reading a book... or I don't know, whatever else you might do. I think it's important to create the right atmosphere. Dim the lights and use fairy lights and candles... it's good to create a warm glow. Cuddle up in blankets and wear something soft. It's a good way to get a scared, stressed-out mind to calm the 'insert swear word here' down.
Food glorious food
Treat yourself to your favorite foods. That doesn't mean binge eating or eating unhealthy for the sake of it. Cook your favorite meal or make a trip to your favorite restaurant. I love engaging in a spot of baking when I'm taking a day off... or you could try a new recipe?
Be spontaneous
Most kinds of work tend to run to some sort of schedule and projects tend to take a lot of planning. If that's your every day life... do you really want your day off to follow the same pattern? Sometimes it's good not to plan and do or go wherever the mood takes you.
Be present in the moment
Leading on from my last point, when your not doing a planned activity, I think it's easy to fall into the pattern of just walking around and being stuck in your thoughts. It can be helpful to walk and talk or walk and think for a little while but it can be easy to do this and realize the day has past and you're feeling even more stressed out. So, try and stay present and notice things around you. That tends to work better if you go to a place that you don't regually frequent (that sounds a bit fancy).
So, those are my tips, maybe I should try and actually take my own advice.