One thing I figured out uber quickly is that blogging is a 24/7 job, which sometimes takes over your whole life. It's therefore been a little tricky to find a balance between blogging, my acting career, part-time work, writing my novel and my social life. However, I think i've finally got everything balancing. Here are my tips for making it work:
A schedule
I work to a daily schedule. Every 2 hours, I spend 20 minutes commenting on Instagram, followed by 10 minutes of commenting on blog posts and then I watch and comment on 5 YouTube videos. I do this from when I wake up to bedtime. In between, I set myself one or two tasks to complete. I could be writing a chapter of my book, sending emails to casting directors etc.
Switching off
When I have a day where I'm going to meet up with a friend or when I'm on holiday.... or playing golf. I switch my phone off and don't use it at all. Sometimes it's great just to have a break from it all and I've always kinda thought it's sad and rude, how you now see groups of young people, sitting by each other all looking at their own phones and typing instead of interacting.
Writing & creating in bulk
I edit my pictures, and write up my blog posts in bulk. I'll spend one day, every four weeks, writing up the whole of my posts for that month. Then I'll also spend one week a month creating and editing my YouTube videos for that month too. This is a lot easier than trying to do it on the day that you post. It was too time consuming for me and I could never fit everything in.
Long Days
Sometimes you have to wake up at 6am or go to bed a little later to get the tasks you need to get done... but if you are passionate about what you do then this should be something that is manageable.
Be efficient
Know how much time you have to complete a task and do it wisely. For example, when I was applying for part-time work after I finished university, instead of sending out twenty pointless applications, I sent out one application for a job that was right for me and which I was confident I would get. Sure, that was a bit of a risk but it paid off. What I'm saying is target your thinking... always think of what the quickest and most effective way will be to get the task done.
This skirt is from Zaful and currently sold out but here are some similar ones: