A trip to the beach never seems to end up being smooth sailing, here are five annoying beach problems that gals will understand, by Rosa Fairfield.

Okay, so summer is practically over... but, that doesn't mean that you can't find somewhere warm in the world, with a beach, and head there right away. If I could skip the whole of winter by heading to somewhere with a warmer climate I would. However, a trip to the beach never seems to end up looking as glam as it does in a bikini advert. Here are five beach problems that most of you gals will understand:
Trying to walk in sandals (or walk on the sand at all)
Seriously, either the sand seems to be too hot - so you end up hopping from foot to foot in a mad dash for the sea - or it's too rocky. On this trip it was the latter. The sand was large chunks of grit so I ended up hobbling along, saying 'ouch, ouch' every five seconds. Sandals look like a obvious solution but then they end up filling up with the damn sand or rocks, that it hurts just the same.
Getting your period
What's more depressing, than arriving on holiday and the first day you are there you start you're period. You're sitting on the beach feeling like a monster is crawling around in your stomach and there are no toilets to hand. Suddenly you can't do much swimming in the water and you end up feeling a bit irritated on what should be a relaxing trip.
Getting those awkward tan lines
Unless you're going to a nudest beach, you're gonna end up with tan lines... they especially look awkward if all your swimwear has slightly different shapes. Then you just end up with lots of different sets of lines. Let's not forget the feet either. If you choose to wear sandals, you end up with feet covered with strange markings.
Having to wash your hair every five seconds
This is especially true if it's windy. You think you're hair looks all cute with salty sea waves and then you get back to your hotel and realise it is a sticky birds nest that you can't even get the comb through and you must wash it immediately. Then, if you go to the beach everyday of your holiday, it kinda turns into some ritual.
The shock of stepping into cold water
It may be hot when you're tanning yourself on the sand but whenever you step into the water it feels like you are stepping into an ice bath. You either stand around in the shallows trying to look cool or spend half a hour building up the courage to take the plunge. Then when you get out of the water, you spend a good 10 minutes shivering before you warm up again.
* An extra one for bloggers - the photographs
When you literally end up spending most of the supposedly relaxing trip to the beach attempting to take bikini pictures from a 100 different angles so you don't end up hating the way your body looks. This is particularly irritating if, like me, you have a big bottom which has stretch marks.
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