"Funfairs, floral dresses and find out why my shoes are something a little out of the ordinary, by Rosa Fairfield"

This was such a fun photoshoot to edit, I was dancing around my bedroom to the song Funplex, whilst doing it. I've always had a fascination with funfairs. On the one hand, they're these colourful places that make a great escape from reality. On the other, I've always thought they have this kind of sinister edge. Maybe that's because when I think funfair, I think Coney Island and then Love Never Dies. Which, once, I spent a whole day watching on repeat - I've always kinda liked the idea of wearing half a mask and living under the Paris Opera house before running of to America.
Enough about funfairs, I must talk about shoes. I've never seen anything like these before. Instead of the normal buckle fastening, these have a clip, which you attach to the strap of the shoe. It's easier to use and stops the strap from wearing away. I showed them to my best friend the other day and she was just as amazed as I was.
The dress is too big on me on the top half of my body, so i'll have to get my sewing machine out to alter it.

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